
Legislating Conspiracy Theories.


As Virginia Senator Amanda Chase presented her bill to end absentee voting ballot drop boxes in Virginia, Senator Jennifer Boysko asked if Senator Chase knew how a mailbox worked.

These ballot drop boxes are mailboxes setup outside of Voter Registrars office’s during early voting periods. These allow voters to drop off their absentee ballots instead of going into the office during their open hours or to avoid having those ballots sent through the mail. This part of Virginia law was recently enacted. These ballot drop boxes work just like a mailbox.

Senator Chase has been long a believer that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen. Chase held a Stop the Steal rally the morning before Joe Biden was the projected winner of the 2020 Election. Chase also flew to North Dakota during the 2021 Special Session to attend Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium which intended to provide evidence to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election. Chase is also a fan of the movie 2000 Mules.

2000 Mules is a 2022 movie from Dinesh D'Souza about how the 2020 President Election was stolen using absentee ballot drop boxes. Former Attorney General (under Trump) William Barr mocked the movie and said that he was unimpressed by the movie.

Chase carried 4 election related bills including one that would provide a full forensic audit of the 2020 Presidential Election in Virginia. Previously, she asked for the state to fund a $70 million dollar audit of the 2020 election. That’s about $15 per ballot cast.

I wanted to ask Senator Chase about the bill, but she was out sick with Covid after hosting an anti-vaccine rally last week. (Although she did return back to the Senate as I was finishing this article.) Instead, I spoke to Delegate John McGuire who is carrying a similar bill in the House of Delegates.

McGuire told me that the ballot drop boxes were added because of Covid-19 lockdowns and that lockdowns are over, feeling that people lost confidence and that removing ballot drop boxes would help restore that confidence. McGuire’s bill has now passed the House of Delegates and is expected to meet the same fate as Chase’s bill that was defeated after that question on maulboxes.

Delegate Schuyler VanValkenburg sponsored the bill that kept the ballot drop boxes permanent. VanValkenburg says that in the legislation there is clear language around security and making sure ballots are counted. Additionally, that there is a line of politicians following in the conspiracies of Donald Trump claims of fraud that he sees as political attacks on elections.

I was searching for claims of election fraud in Virginia’s 2020 Presidential Election and could not find anything except reports of mailboxes being tampered in the Richmond area in October 2020, but nothing that could swing the Election in Virginia with Biden winning the state by over 450,000 votes.

I spent hours in committee meetings and going to election denier rallies. The least you could do is share this article.