What's on the Menu for Weird in Virginia Legislation?

Abortion, Guns, Transphobia, 2000 Mules, and Horse Paste

What's on the Menu for Weird in Virginia Legislation?
Virginia Capitol in Richmond, December 1, 2022.

Here's a preview of what I'll be covering this legislative session in Virginia. Subscribe if that's the type of thing your are into (I won't judge.)


The Supreme Court Ruling Roe v. Wade has been overturned yet public support for abortion access remains widely popular. This summer will feature primaries that pit elected legislatures against other each other due to redistricting. Republicans will be trying to find the sweet spot on how extreme they want to restrict access to abortion. Delegate Marie Marsh is proposing a bill that would repeal all access to abortion in Virginia.

February 1st is the March for Life rally in Richmond. Last year featured Lt Governor Winsome Sears as a speaker and Governor Glenn Youngkin joined in on a march with thousands of pro-life marchers.

Meanwhile Democrat Senator Favola has carried a bill that would prohibit search and seizure of records of menstrual cycles. Interesting to see a bill that goes on the offensive to protect reproductive rights.


You betcha! I’m going to follow the committees and subcommittees that will have the bills related to firearms. Senator Joe Morrissey will be pushing for more gun control (Remember when conservatives were pushing for him for Congress?) while Republicans will be attempting to repeal gun control laws that were passed in 2020.

I’m not on the side of more gun prohibitions but the gun wackos are worth following like Philip Van Cleave from the VCDL. January 16th is the VCDL’s lobby day that typical brings out hundreds of Second Amendment enthusiasts like Brandon Howard.


The nation is undergoing a panic on trans people and Virginia is no different. For starters, restricting trans students from school sports. Senator Amanda Chase put in a bill to prohibit all minors from access to gender affirming treatments. Not to be undone, Senator Mark Peake moved to ban gender affirming treatments to all people under the age of 21.

2000 Mules

The movie 2000 Mules is a laughingstock for most people but for some it’s seen as a factual and serious documentary. Delegate John McGuire hosted a screening of the movie last year and is now proposing legislation that would end all drop off ballots in Virginia.

Horse Paste

Senator Amanda Chase is elected to serve the 11th Senate district; however, her constituents aren’t the people that live there but instead the people that go along with view of the world. For the second year in a row Chase is carrying a bill for use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19. Chase usually isn’t the only person who carries legislation like this, last year Delegate Karen Greenhalgh did so as well. Chase does know how to draw a crowd in the Pocahontas building. Last year, she was able to get a big name in quack doctor world with Dr Paul Merik giving public comment.

Robert Malone and Paul Marik with Virginia legislators John McGuire, Amanda Chase, Karen Greenhalgh, and Marie Marsh from Oct 2022.

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